Monthly Archives: June 2007

too much stuff!!!!


I think it’s because I had so little growing up.  I can’t seem to know when enough is enough…most especially with clothes.  I just finished going through Alli’s closet which I do about once a season.  My SIL blessed me with TONS of clothes when Alli was born.  I’ll be honest though…after 10 years and 3 boys…I wanted to buy my OWN stuff for my baby girl so Alli, no doubt, has an extra overabundance.  My newest niece was born at Thanksgiving so last fall I cleaned out everything under 12 months and gave it away.  I was able to give her 6, yes SIX, rubbermaid tubs (the big ones) of things PLUS sell about $60 worth of stuff.  That should give you a hint of my problem.  (..hey at least I’m getting rid of it now that I’ve figured out I have a problem)  So tonight I put away a tub of winter stuff from last season that may still fit in the fall, a tub of winter stuff that was too big, a small box of summer things that are too big still, and one box and one bag of miscellaneous stuff to go to my niece.  Alli needed to go to bed before I finished but I have 2 diaper boxes full of things for consignment (why not prepare now?) and one tub full of things she is wearing now that need to go on hangers.

All of this started because my mother bought a new bedroom suite.

Yep!  It’s all her fault.   LOL. 

The good news is that she has decided to do some things she’s always wanted to do. I’m so proud of her changes.  And I benefit by getting a dresser for Alli’s room.  Which means that I get rid of the changing table (which I also plan to take to the consignment sale!!).  And that makes my heart skip a little beat.  We are well on our way to a house without a baby.  How scary is THAT????   AFter fourteen years of baby stuff….  wow. 🙂 

Funny though – earlier today I had the exact opposite thought process.  My friend Amanda sweetly invited us to enjoy her parents’ pool, so I packed a lunch and off we went.  It was a HOT day here in the south, already close to 90 when I got there at 11am.  We did, indeed, enjoy the pool, enjoy our lunch and then relaxed a bit.  The girls are gone for 3 weeks (…breathe katy, breathe…you CAN do this alone…giggle) so I just had the 4 youngest.  Nicholas and Jacob can swim well – though I still make Jake wear the arm floats.  Sam is proficient with the arm floats and Alli is content for spurts in the baby float.  So I got them settle and I propped myself in a lounge chair where I soaked in the sun and watched dear Amanda try to entertain her 9 month old and chase her 2 year old all while attempted to carry-on a civil conversation with me.  THAT’s when I thought…. ahhh – no more babies …..  LOL!   It was just one of those moments where I realized that have self-sufficient children is actually pretty cool !!    I wouldn’t give up not a single one of my children willingly and I will never, never hope/wish that I didn’t have a large family.  However – my heart knew when we were done.  Peace.  Not easy to come by in most things in life.  No doubts here though. 

Tomorrow is church in the AM and then a bday party for a friend – whole family invited.  Monday is back to work. 

I do have something that’s been weighing pretty heavily on my mind and I’m hoping to have some peace about that towards the end of next week.  Any prayers are appreciated.




I’m so sick of hearing that. 

Honestly – I really do want to do SOMETHING – anything to get their energy out.  So today I made the executive decision to forego our Friday night pizza and take the kids to Jumpzone.  It was wonderful.  Personally, shhh, I was a little bored (after Grace and Cheyenne left, that is), but it was SO worth it.  I had hoped for naps – but that hasn’t happened yet (well, Alli’s asleep – but she naps every day) so I’ll settle for an early bedtime. 

Sarah has been gone for 9 days to Ohio to see her dad.  Brittney will likely be leaving this weekend to go to VA to see her nana.  All of her kayak friends are leaving for regattas (competetion) but we aren’t quite ready to let her go to D.C. and New York with “friends”/coaches so she’s left behind.  Nicholas just needs a friend to play with.  jake, sam and alli play well together.

I’m still going to work every day…nice to get out of the house.  Guess I could be doing laundry and/or cleaning right now………………..nah – it can wait. 

So – nothing much from me. 


Favorite Color: yellow

Favorite Food: bread!

Favorite Month: none

Favorite Song: The Real Me – Natalie Grant

Favorite Movie: Sound of Music? 

Favorite Sport: hmmm – the one that anyone of my children might be playing at the time.  Otherwise I’m not so interested.

Favorite Season: Fall – the beauty in GA is breathtaking

Favorite Day of the Week: Sunday used to be it… don’t really have one anymore

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: birthday cake!

Favorite Time of Day: when one of my children decides to take a timeout for snuggles (and lately, my 14 y/o has been giving hugs out of the blue…it’s GRAND!)


Current Mood: sad
Current Taste: “REAL” food…I want homemade veggies…garden stuff… missing Granny’s okry

Current Clothes: gym shorts and pink t-shirt
Current Desktop: a picture of the ocean I took last May in Destin, FL
Current Toenail Color: Just pink!

Current Time:  5:55pm
Current Surroundings: ugh!  laundry that needs putting away and TONS of misc. stuff that got scattered here through the day

Current Thoughts: what we might need from the store…R is stopping for ice on his way home.


1. First Best Friend: Lisa Patel 
2. First Kiss: 8th grade..Danny – in the corner at Skate Country

2. First Screen Name: byhisgrace
4. First Pet: Holly – our family parakeet

5. First Piercing: My ears when I was about 13 – my mother pierced hers the same day
6. First Crush: don’t remember

7. First CD: thinking it was Petra Praise II
8. First Job: waitress at a private Yacht tipping allowed!  stupid!


1. Last Coffee: QT vanilla cappacinno on Thurs morning

2. Last Drink: a swig from the grape soda 2-liter…too lazy to get a cup.

3. Last Car Ride: home from a friends pool yesterday afternoon

4. Last Kiss: Jacob…sweet thing!

5. Last Movie Seen: interestingly the same as AmyD .. The Holiday.  It was sweet.
6. Last Phone Call: R just called to see if we needed anything from the store
7. Last CD Played: Go Fish  Superstar!   They are awesome!


1. Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Guy/Girl Friends: Yes
2. Have You Ever Broken the Law: duh!  have you ridden with me?
3. Have You Ever Been Arrested: No
4. Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Nope!

5. Have You Ever Been on TV: yes..on the Mexica City morning news when I was in high school. Our chorus was on “tour” there.

6. Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn’t Know:  I don’t think so. 


1. Thing You’re Wearing: no makeup!

2. Thing You’ve Done Today: read a book…the whole thing and totally, completely avoided every thing else that needed doing except for the occasional dirty diaper and pb&j.

3. Thing You Can Hear Right Now:   Spongebob!

4. Thing You Can’t Live Without: caffeine evidently…since I’ve had none today and my head is POUNDING!

5. Thing You Do When You’re Bored: bored?  take a drive ALLLLLLLLL Alone


1.the bedroom
2.the bathroom

3. the kitchen

4. here in the dining room.


1. Black or White: black…I look thinner …white- I look tanner  guess it doesn’t matter

2. Hot or Cold: neither


1. Know pure LOVE.