Monthly Archives: August 2007

A couple of things that made me LOL


I don’t even know where to start.

The last thing here is pictures of the first day of school – that was Aug. 9.  Those first 2 days were not so bad and it’s been fairly easy getting into the groove of school/routine.  The CRAZY things started that Saturday when R went for a job interview.  And he got an offer that we couldn’t refuse.  After a couple of days of tossing around the fact that we will be without insurance indefinately, he took the offer.  That began his two week notice which is ending tomorrow.  I’m trying not to worry about the insurance thing and I’m still hoping we can find something private, that’s affordable, and SOON.  The biggest problem presented was Alli.  R’s schedule has kept us from having to have her in daycare but with me working 28 hours now I had to do something.  It did all fall into place rather easily though.  Arianna will keep her all day on Mondays and Tues-Thurs she will be with my friend Amy.  Amy works at BPBC preschool so Alli will go with her on Tues/Thurs into the 2 y/o class.  She started this week and I have to TAKE her away from Amy and MAKE her come with me.  She LOVES it.  I have a very blessed Friday off every.single.week.  I seriously considered just quitting my job but I enjoy it so much and even after childcare expenses I will still bring home a few hundred a month so for now this is what we are doing. 

Next week should be interesting with R home in the evenings for the first time in many years. 

We are going to Memphis over Labor Day to visit my dear and longest friend Amy who moved last month (and just about caused me to totally lose my sanity!!).  The kids have really missed each other and it will be good for all of them to spend a couple of days together. 

R and I are both taking the Dave Ramsey class at church along with my mother and I think it will be a real starting point to many of our disagreements on money.

That’s all I can think of right now. 

Some update is better than none, eh?


And so it begins…….

 SCHOOL… that is.  Yes – today was Aug 9 and it was the first day of school for our county.  I’m not sure how we got to this point of beginning school so early but I know that I don’t approve on SO many levels.  The number one thing for today that made it so hard was the heat.  

Current conditions as of 7:53 pm EDT


Feels Like:
10 mi


High: 101° Low: 74°

Yes, please note that it is almost 8 pm at the last update.  The high recorded temp was 101 which makes the heat index close to the 100teens in the dead of the day which is when I spend 2 hours in the car picking up kids.  I won’t go into the stupid construction that made the day absolutely CRAZY.  Regardless of my feelings about the whole thing though…school did begin.  It was my first day FULL time.  The day started nicely with me awaking a few minutes before the alarm was scheduled…I really love to just stretch and snuggle and think on my day before it has to begin.  That was the last moment of sanity for the next hour though, lol.  Trust me, getting 6 kids dressed, fed and out the door with school supplies and SHOES is a B.I.G. deal.  We did make it though.  Samuel cried off and on about not wanting to go but when it came down to it, he was proud to be walking out the door…..


Jacob and Nicholas went together to CMES : 


Sarah is at the top of the social chain in 8th grade.  She’s looking so grown up it’s hard to believe that she is only 12..


Brittney was a nervous wreck, had a hard time picking out clothes and deciding whether to wear make-up.  She looked beautiful as always though.  I sent her off with the assurance that her personality was PERFECT for high school…


And not to be forgotten or left out, Alli had to pose for a picture also.  She enjoyed the morning ALL ALONE with her daddy and then a few hours with her new sitter, Ariana, who will be coming over 3 times a week to help us out.  Ariana is homeschooled and the perfect solution to our few hours of need.



All in all it was a good day.  We are all tired and anxious to do it again tomorrow…. more anxious for the weekend, lol.